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4 seasons in a day today but we were out in all of them talking to voters, getting out the message that to bring the change this country desperately needs we need to #ReelectRosie here in Canterbury. Great reception on the doorstep but we can’t take anything for granted - come rain, wind or shine everyone needs to come out and vote, and vote The Labour Party! 🌹🇬🇧 ... See MoreSee Less

4 seasons in a day today but we were out in all of them talking to voters, getting out the message that to bring the change this country desperately needs we need to #ReelectRosie here in Canterbury. Great reception on the doorstep but we can’t take anything for granted - come rain, wind or shine everyone needs to come out and vote, and vote The Labour Party! 🌹🇬🇧Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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We’re very lucky to have you Rosie. Good luck with the campaign- behind you all the way!

Good luck Rosie. Love the doggie 🐶

And my vote goes to 🌹 xxx

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It's very sad that you are struggling in your campaign certain objectionable individuals, but respectfully, that's a cop out, if you can't be bothered to attend a debate you don't deserve to debate in the Commons. You need to go out, get some security and perform notwithstanding the haters and show the electorate you can actually do the job you are applying to do.

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I'm so sorry you have to go through this Rosie, it is totally unacceptable.

Not one of your constituents, but I wish you the best! Most of the country will be on your side!

So sorry to hear this Rosie. Take care and keep safe. It is a terrible reflection on our democracy that you have had to make this decision.

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Labour has today launched our election manifesto. On Thursday 4th July, we can change Britain. We can stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild our country.

You can read the manifesto in full here:

You can also find out more about my local priorities at:

#ReelectRosie #reelectrosieduffield
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Labour has today launched our election manifesto. On Thursday 4th July, we can change Britain. We can stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild our country.

You can read the manifesto in full here:

You can also find out more about my local priorities at: 

#ReelectRosie #reelectrosieduffield

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Does it define Green Belt - land you will expect new housing to built on ... and land you would not expect to be developed?

If I comment will I get an answer? I have tried to contact you with a few questions. I'd really like to resolve my concerns before I vote labour and live to regret it for 5 years. We never get Labour canvassing whete I live .

I’m committed to creating a fairer, more sustainable rural economy in East Kent and have worked hard to stand up for the interests of our farmers and fishers. This poll from Farmers Weekly is therefore great news, and a reflection of all the work by the The Labour Party group who have served together on the House Of Commons EFRA Committee 💚Barry Gardiner Cat Smith MP Ian Byrne MP 🚜 ... See MoreSee Less

I’m committed to creating a fairer, more sustainable rural economy in East Kent and have worked hard to stand up for the interests of our farmers and fishers. This poll from Farmers Weekly is therefore great news, and a reflection of all the work by the The Labour Party group who have served together on the House Of Commons EFRA Committee 💚Barry Gardiner Cat Smith MP Ian Byrne MP 🚜

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Does that mean you won’t be allowing farms to be replaced with housing estates?

Good luck Rosie, no longer member sadly due to the liberal social views of the labour party, but we'll done for standing up to starmer on the transgender issue. Not many traditional socially Conservative Labour people around these days. Just feels like the labour party has been taken over by the prawn sandwich anti Christian liberals trading under labour colours.

Risie does that mean you are totally against the farmland developments proposed in Chestfield and Blean

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3 days ago

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#ReElectRosie ❤️

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I'd like some answers,re my concerns before I vote. I have not seen any Labour canvassing or ways to ask questions. Before I vote Labour I need clarification on a few issues Please could someone reply I have tried ringing and emaing. Do you want my vote?

#ReElectRosie ❤️

Our boards are going up around Whitstable. If you want one drop us a message. ... See MoreSee Less

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What is your opinion on the Brooklands Farm and Blean developments planned?

How can we help Rosie in Canterbury city centre?

Loads in Faversham

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