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43 minutes ago

Today I visited Catching Lives, a charity I've worked with regularly during the last 7 years who do amazing work in our community. As with all charities, they have seen the demand on their services increase dramatically as a result of Conservative austerity measures and the cost of living crisis.

A Labour government will work with councils to develop a new cross-government strategy to put Britain back on track to ending homelessness. We’ll deliver the biggest increase in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation, and we’ll prioritise the building of new social rented homes and better protect our existing and newly-built social housing. You can read Crisis’ response to the Labour Party manifesto here:

If you are in a position to make a donation to this incredible local charity you can do so here:
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Today I visited Catching Lives, a charity Ive worked with regularly during the last 7 years who do amazing work in our community. As with all charities, they have seen the demand on their services increase dramatically as a result of Conservative austerity measures and the cost of living crisis. 

A Labour government will work with councils to develop a new cross-government strategy to put Britain back on track to ending homelessness. We’ll deliver the biggest increase in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation, and we’ll prioritise the building of new social rented homes and better protect our existing and newly-built social housing. You can read Crisis’ response to the Labour Party manifesto here: 

If you are in a position to make a donation to this incredible local charity you can do so here:

Local entrepreneur Wesley Baker knows that Britain's economy needs rebuilding for the future, and that only a Labour Government can deliver this. 🗳️🌹🇬🇧 #ReelectRosie
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Photos from Rosie Duffield for Canterbury's post ... See MoreSee Less

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What we need, and most people want, is nationalisation of the water companies. It's a Green Party policy.

#eidmubarak to everyone celebrating in Canterbury, Whistable and the Villages! I'm looking forward to joining members of our community for a feast later today. ... See MoreSee Less

#eidmubarak to everyone celebrating in Canterbury, Whistable and the Villages! Im looking forward to joining members of our community for a feast later today.

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Eid Mubarak to you Rosie .

Solidarity with you Rosie, against the trolls.

Please please do a video link for the hustings.

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Yesterday, the incredible Feargal Sharkey joined me in Whitstable to discuss all things sewage and Labour’s plan to tackle it.

We met with a range of voices including sea swimmers, sailors, the fishing community and SOS Whitstable to take their questions and hear their thoughts on the future.

We followed this with a windy walk along the beach to have a well earned drink in The Old Neptune.

Feargal’s message was clear - the only way to stop this mess is to vote The Labour Party and re-elect ROSIE DUFFIELD. We need a regulator with real teeth, mandatory monitoring, fines every time sewage is released and criminal sanctions for fat cat water bosses.

Thank you to Whitstable Yacht Club, The Old Neptune and SERA - Labour Environment Campaign.
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Yesterday, the incredible Feargal Sharkey joined me in Whitstable to discuss all things sewage and Labour’s plan to tackle it.

We met with a range of voices including sea swimmers, sailors, the fishing community and SOS Whitstable to take their questions and hear their thoughts on the future. 

We followed this with a windy walk along the beach to have a well earned drink in The Old Neptune.

Feargal’s message was clear - the only way to stop this mess is to vote The Labour Party and re-elect ROSIE DUFFIELD. We need a regulator with real teeth, mandatory monitoring, fines every time sewage is released and criminal sanctions for fat cat water bosses.

Thank you to Whitstable Yacht Club, The Old Neptune and SERA - Labour Environment Campaign.Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

24 CommentsComment on Facebook

From what I've read, Labour's plans to tackle sewage are very weak. Fines are clearly pointless as we pay for them, no nationalisation, no plans for major new treatment works, no blocking major housing developments until treatment capacity is increased, no criminal action or investigations into the scandal. Hope its different if Labour come to power, but if they only deliver what they are promising on sewage things will continue to get worse.

My current MP (Damian Green) was a director of a water company before being an MP. He has done nothing for the environment as he’s too busy protecting his water company pension. I would vote for Rosie if she was my candidate for MP. X

Is this your view Rosie Duffield for Canterbury or Feargal Sharkey's? You don't mention sewage in your response to the local plan.

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4 seasons in a day today but we were out in all of them talking to voters, getting out the message that to bring the change this country desperately needs we need to #ReelectRosie here in Canterbury. Great reception on the doorstep but we can’t take anything for granted - come rain, wind or shine everyone needs to come out and vote, and vote The Labour Party! 🌹🇬🇧 ... See MoreSee Less

4 seasons in a day today but we were out in all of them talking to voters, getting out the message that to bring the change this country desperately needs we need to #ReelectRosie here in Canterbury. Great reception on the doorstep but we can’t take anything for granted - come rain, wind or shine everyone needs to come out and vote, and vote The Labour Party! 🌹🇬🇧Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

7 CommentsComment on Facebook

We’re very lucky to have you Rosie. Good luck with the campaign- behind you all the way!

Good luck Rosie. Love the doggie 🐶

And my vote goes to 🌹 xxx

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It's very sad that you are struggling in your campaign certain objectionable individuals, but respectfully, that's a cop out, if you can't be bothered to attend a debate you don't deserve to debate in the Commons. You need to go out, get some security and perform notwithstanding the haters and show the electorate you can actually do the job you are applying to do.

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